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This podcast is supplementary to the writing I’ve already done, so go check out “Video Games and Online Communities: New Mediums, New Interactions,” for more about this subject. This podcasts focuses on the early times of studying online communication ranging to the earliest years of accessible online gaming. Early studies couldn’t fathom how far online communication would come, and how present the internet would in the lives of everyone or how it would be used. Everything was framed with a lens of professionalism and polite discussion, something that would be very quickly contradicted with actual interactions. With the release of Xbox Live and its debut game, Halo 2, Microsoft shook up the world of gaming. Before this, average consumers were priced out of accessing online play through high cost gaming PC’s or the difficult process of building their own PC, but now with an annual subscription and a console, you could play with anyone the world over. Gaming changed dramatically after further evolved over the following years and decade, but why? How did this shape modern gaming, and how did the available means of communication impact the world of gaming even until the present? Check out the pod to find out.