Reading Time: 10 minutes


Today, I’m going to talk about how the internet may help children’s brain growth, their ability to express themselves, and their various learning styles. Interactive content that piques a child’s interest in learning how to make independent exploration decisions. Early exposure to technology and its potential can help children better prepare for their future and the possibilities it offers. When introduced to children at an early age, technology has the potential to be both a blessing and an inconvenience. When it comes to a child’s early years, it’s all about what we do with the tools provided. Having access to cutting-edge technology provides children a leg up in today’s society. Using technology in a healthy way is an important role model for children that we can play as adults. Taking the time to learn about technology with young children is important. In the right hands, technology has the potential to have a profoundly positive effect on the growth and development of children. This may be the final generation of children who have been totally involved in playing outside as a child. When it comes to timing, it’s inherited, but early experiences dictate how powerful or weak the circuits will be. Some people say that the development of technology has resulted in a decrease in the amount of time spent reading each day. It is advisable to take advantage of these years and strengthen the sensory abilities of children. We already know how technology negatively affects children, I discuss the positive aspects.



How is Technology beneficial to our Youth?


When this question reaches parents with children of diverse learning styles, it elicits strong opinions. It’s no surprise that the final generation of kids who grew up playing outside are now parents, and they’re debating this open-ended subject. The only thing we think about nowadays is how kids remain at home and watch YouTube videos like TikTok. It goes without saying that children’s exposure to screens ought to be curtailed. Taking advantage of technological advances in a positive way might be one of the only options, besides cutting technology out entirely. Children have an advantage in today’s culture since they have access to cutting-edge technology. Technology may be both a benefit and a hindrance if it is introduced to children at an early age. My purpose in writing this article is to explore how technology may be integrated into the lives of our children as they are introduced to it in one way or another. Internet use may have a positive impact on children’s brain development, their capacity to express themselves, and the way they learn.


 Is Technology good for child development?

In the right hands, technology has the potential to have a profoundly positive effect on the growth and development of children. Research shows that as technology becomes more integrated into our daily lives, we are better at spotting important information buried in the crowded landscape of characters and advertisements; “As technology continues to grow and flourish, there will be more demand for professionals ready to take on technology careers” (West Governors University, 2020). Early exposure to technology and its potential can help children better prepare for their future and the possibilities it offers. It’s also beneficial for kids to have alternatives to the activities they engage in on social media. Technology has caused a decline in the amount of time people spend reading each day, yes, but this does not imply that technology is detrimental to children’s development. In a way, thinking about it in terms of moderation is preferable since too much of anything is harmful.


  Another argument is that children aren’t challenged to think critically or expand their ideas because many blocks of text on digital devices are sometimes limited. In order to improve their reading comprehension, kids could read a book at the same time as they read characters online. When it comes to a child’s early years, it’s all about what we do with the tools provided. Taking the time to learn about technology with young children is important. This is a new generation, with new ways of learning, and even thinking. In the case of an adult who utilizes technology in a negative way, we may refer to it as a “decision” rather than an “unconsciousness.” Children, on the other hand, are in a different situation since they are typically unaware of the negative consequences of technology, which might result from its wrong application and the amount consumed per day. Giving an Ipad to a wailing baby, for example, will not be considered instructional. Instead, it will just alleviate the condition as well as the fact that the baby is crying.



Figure 1. More complicated circuits are formed later on in the proliferation and pruning phase. When it comes to timing, it’s inherited, but early experiences dictate how powerful or weak the circuits will be. It is advisable to take advantage of these years and strengthen the sensory abilities of children (Harvard, 2000).


 The diagram above illustrates the age at which certain aspects of development continue to develop at a faster rate than others. When a child is interested in learning how to make autonomous exploratory decisions, interactive content might capture his or her attention. A child can use a camera, computer, or another device to tell a story or create art. Considering our personal technology usage is crucial when it comes to this. Using technology in a healthy way is an important role model for children that we can play as adults. Even if it is difficult for parents to give up technology, it is critical for children to not witness the amount of consumption in their early years since it is important for them to have a chance to observe the world through their own eyes and not through those of a computer screen. Striking a proper balance between one’s professional and personal responsibilities. As we know, children benefit from time spent with their families away from screens and digital devices. Taking a break from technology may be beneficial to your mental and physical health. Technology is quite hard to put down nowadays because it is always there which is why parents choose to introduce technology to children further down the line.


Kids expressing themselves through Technology


Creativity can be shown in different ways- whether it’s painting, building, or even singing.“Creativity” appears to have several definitions across a variety of industries and disciplines, such as a game where you can design your own universe or Adventure Academy, a safe multiplayer environment where kids may learn language arts, arithmetic, and social studies. There is now a platform where children can connect to see a broader perspective in what they are studying at school. If they exceed a certain interest in a particular subject, it is easily accessible. Creativity is also an important factor when developing as a child, due to metaphorical gears turning in their brain when they discover their favorite colors, favorite animals, or favorite foods. 


Building games like Minecraft or Roblox can actually enhance creativity levels because these games require them to build their own world; According to FunTech Blog (2020) “As children continue to explore, they’ll find that they can produce devices for making mundane tasks more manageable” (FunTech Blog, 2020). This could go any direction, building a house, their own garden, or making their own user-friendly game within the platform.My nephew, in my observation, does spend a significant amount of time playing Minecraft, and I was perplexed as to why. When I looked at what he was doing, I noticed that he was assembling everything from the ground up in the game! For example, if you want a specific type of wood, you must first locate the tree, chop a specific amount of it down, and then transform it into the planks that will be used to construct the house. The amount of detail that went into this game blew my mind. These kinds of games may help with development in the real world and improve problem-solving skills. Children’s minds still require space to develop, whether they are playing outside, making up their own stories during playtime, or daydreaming. 


Some parents may be afraid that a program like Adventure Academy may be too light on educational information, concentrating more on giving enjoyment than on delivering knowledge. This is understandable given the nature of the curriculum. Adventure Academy, despite its beautifully drawn 3D environment and enjoyable games, is surprisingly thorough in its coverage of the major disciplines that children between the ages of 8 and 13 need to learn: arithmetic, English language arts, science, and social sciences. In accordance with our knowledge and expertise, Adventure Academy provides instruction on a wide range of themes and learning objectives within each of these courses. When I was a kid, I used to love going to the library and using the computers, but there was always a time restriction. After that time limit, I had to leave and explore the books some more. Having that discipline showed me that there is value in everything we do.


                   Figure 2. When kids show their creativity through Minecraft, they can build intricate houses like these (Julians)



How are different learning styles developed by using the internet?

The use of technology in the classroom has evolved into a necessary component of the teaching process itself. It aids in the development of critical thinking abilities, the acquisition of new concepts, and the expression of their thoughts in a distinctive manner. Students who learn in a variety of ways may now benefit from instructional techniques that are suited to their specific requirements, thanks to technology advancements.


                                                                   Figure 3. Students benefit from learning in different forms.


The use of a few technological tools can benefit even teachers who prefer to deliver lectures in an old-fashioned manner. If a teacher has access to a computer, laptop, projector, or iPad, all students can benefit from using technology in the classroom. It is recommended that students who learn best visually be shown instructions or demonstrations. Visual aids, like diagrams and charts, are frequently used by these students to help them comprehend difficult concepts.

Using technology, teachers can create visual aids to help these students better comprehend the material “Parents also identified developmental benefits for their child: 72 percent see a benefit to early learning; 62 percent to language skills; and 69 percent to computer and technology skills” (Erickson Institute, 2018). Teachers can, for example, create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the main points and includes images or diagrams. Visual learners benefit from this simple practice, which helps them focus and better comprehend the material. Learning by listening and speaking helps students learn and retain information. Public speaking assignments and presentations are a good fit for this learning style. Technology, on the other hand, has the potential to improve the educational experience of these students. 


As a result of Zoom, students can communicate with students in other countries. They can hear from guest speakers who are experts in their fields. In some cases, teachers of foreign languages enjoy bringing their students into contact with native speakers. This can help students improve their ability to converse. On the other side, given the severity of the epidemic before, it has the potential to reduce a student’s attention span and diminish the importance of school itself. It has the potential to instill a habit of viewing school as merely an online activity that can be completed at any time and from any location. Neither the question of whether technology should be beneficial or detrimental should be answered in a way that favors either side. Individuals’ learning methods and moral character are considered upon the learning styles and morality of a person.


In order to grasp new ideas, kinesthetic learners must engage in hands-on activities. They thrive when given the opportunity to work on projects that require them to apply their knowledge and skills. There are many ways to accommodate this learning style with the help of technology.


In order to help students learn content in virtually any subject, a slew of websites offer no-cost interactive programs. There are programs that run interactive simulations which provide educational games to help students with math and science. Games that allow kinesthetic learners to build and test their own atoms as well as online experiments on solubility can be helpful for students. When incorporating technology into their lesson plans, teachers can use a variety of tools to reach all of their students. Those who learn best through visual, auditory, and kinesthetic means can all benefit from online and tablet activities that combine these modalities.


Final Thoughts


Parents can help their children’s development by using technology and providing positive role models for how to play, interact, and learn. Kids can practice problem-solving by being presented with new challenges thanks to modern technology. Games and apps for mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, can give children the practice they’ll need to be successful in the future. Because we feel the need to be connected, technology has become an ever-present aspect of our everyday lives, and the amount of time we spend engaging with our personal technological gadgets is only rising. We are therefore unable to prevent our young children from craving similar relationships as a result of this phenomenon. It is our responsibility as parents to determine the most appropriate methods for our children to connect with technology. 

And in order to do so, we must first grasp the ways in which technology affects our children, as well as how to encourage the appropriate use of technology. Instead of having a detrimental impact on their behavior and development, the idea is for technology to have a good impact on them. Like sports, reading, and more, video games, social media, and mobile apps are all hobbies and interests. As a result, there are two ways to interact socially with technology. The key to technology with kids is all about teaching them moderation. There will always be harmful effects to everything in our world, using them to our benefit will help our future be better in the internet world. 






Julians, J. (2021, September 20). How to build a minecraft house – how good can you make yours look? How to build a Minecraft House | easy steps to create a building | Radio Times. Retrieved March 1, 2022, from 

Does Minecraft make you smarter: Is it good for your brain / IQ? FunTech Blog. (2020, March 16). Retrieved February 11, 2022, from,out%20of%20the%20box%E2%80%9D%20thinking. 

Erikson Institute Technology and Young Children Survey. (2018). Retrieved February 11, 2022, from 

Inbrief: The Science of Early Childhood Development. Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. (2020, October 29). Retrieved March 1, 2022, from 

Western Governors University. (2020, August 25). Impact of technology on kids today and tomorrow. Western Governors University. Retrieved February 11, 2022, from