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Lesbians to Class Podcast

Welcome to Lesbians to Class Podcast, hosted by Blair H and her co-host / fiancée, Abi. Episode one covers experiences as a couple in the digital age through social media and technology. Listen to Abi and Blair discuss meeting in person through Pokémon go, announcing engagements online, outrunning the speed of Facebook, and what takes up time in the absence of social media. WARNING: No descriptive detail is provided, but rehab experiences are mentioned. Those who feel they may be triggered by the mention of these facilities should be aware of their presence in this podcast. Ted Talks referenced in the podcast are “Social Media is Making Us Unsocial” , “Connected, but alone” and “What I Learned From My Social Media Fast” by Amber Quinney (Links to an external site.) can be found by clicking the links here or from the references below.


Episode One: Technology and Social Media



TEDx Talks. (2019, November). Social Media is Making Us Unsocial | Kristin Gallucci | TEDxBocaRaton [Video].

TEDx Talks. (2018, May). What I learned from my social media fast | Amber Quinney | TEDxYouth@Buffalo [Video]. YouTube.

Turkle, S. (2012, February). Connected, but alone? [Video]. TED.


References: Fisher, H. (2016, June). Technology hasn't changed love. Here's why [Video] TED. (Links to an external site.)hy (Links to an external site.) TEDx Talks. (2018, May). What I learned from my social media fast | Amber Quinney | TEDxYouth@Buffalo [Video]. YouTube.