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Luckily in the 21st century, we have access to technology; through technology, we have access to the internet, social media, and video games to ease our minds from the problems of being a young adult. They also can create connections with other people, which can strengthen the addiction to video games. “When you experience more dopamine after using social media, your brain identifies this activity as a rewarding one that you ought to repeat.” Compared to other types of addictions, there are no significant withdrawal symptoms from video games. On the other hand, social media can become a harmful addiction mainly due to our brains. While also staying to date on the most recent news or whatever the Kardashians are up to, that is a possibility with social media. However, people can get addicted to the constant stream of new things appearing on the “timelines” of certain apps like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook social media. Unfortunately, although technology can give us a way to get away from our problems, they can also inevitably become problems on their own through addiction.


Being a young adult in the 21st century is rough. Having to deal with “adult problems” such as paying taxes and bills. Some may have to balance a minimum wage job while also attending college full-time. Others may have to care for children such as younger siblings or even their children. Luckily in the 21st century, we have access to technology; through technology, we have access to the internet, social media, and video games to ease our minds from the problems of being a young adult. Unfortunately, although technology can give us a way to get away from our problems, they can also inevitably become problems on their own through addiction. 

What is technology addiction? 

Addiction is defined as “a chronic dysfunction of the brain system that involves reward, motivation, and memory.” (What is Addiction, 2014) People who experience addiction will not be able to stay away from the behavior, displaying a lack of control, having an increased desire for that behavior, and dismissing how their behavior may be causing problems. The signs of addiction may include social events that encourage the behavior, increased secrecy of the behavior, and even insomnia or memory loss due to the behavior. Specifically, with technology, people can get addicted to the internet due to how easily accessible the information is on the internet, such as Reddit, as information is abundant and can become a “rabbit hole” for users on the website. 

Others may become addicted to video games due to the wide variety of video games in the 21st century. Video games allow people to escape from their reality as some games may even mirror the real world but instead can be molded into whatever the user desires. They also can create connections with other people, which can strengthen the addiction to video games. Another way people can get addicted is through the challenge of certain video games and the success of completing the video game, which can become a cycle. 

Most young adults may have grown up with social media and would not be in a world without social media. However, people can get addicted to the constant stream of new things appearing on the “timelines” of certain apps like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook social media. Some may even develop “FOMO,” or “Fear of Missing Out,” [which] is a commonly described phenomenon for teens and young adults. In this youth, increasingly feel the need to stay connected to the Internet, so they aren’t the last to know of a news story or social happening.” Others who are involved with social media such as “influencers” may start to get involved more with the number of followers they have or the amount likes they might get on posts, which become obsessive and addicted to seeing larger and larger numbers on their accounts.

Let’s dive into the rabbit hole of the internet.

The internet is a system of networks that allow computer networks worldwide to be interconnected with each other. According to Statistica (2021), approximately 4.6 billion people, or more than half of the world’s population, were estimated to have access to the Internet. (3) Among the popular websites of the internet, Reddit is seen as the “face” and frontrunner. Reddit is essentially a social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. About 430 million users scroll through its forums ranging from popular cat videos to NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content. This explains its gigantic userbase as everyone, and even your grandma may find something they would like on the website. Along with the immense amount of information on the website, it can become very addicting to certain users. It can quite literally become a “rabbit hole” of information and no way to get out. It can be scary to get caught up in the information it provides. 

The escape of reality through video games.  

Most people usually see video games as a harmless way to keep your kids occupied on a Saturday afternoon. On the contrary, video games for others can become a way to escape from reality. One massively popular MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game), World of Warcraft, caters to the idea of running into a fantastical world filled with magic and dragons. With such an escape from reality, its users are seen to develop an addiction to playing the MMORPG, with its whopping 4.88 million users. Luckily, compared to other types of addictions, there are no significant withdrawal symptoms from video games. (When It’s Safe to Say It’s Technology Addiction, 2020) 

The Fear of Missing Out from social media.

With social media becoming an integral part of people’s lives in the 21st century, it is a fantastic way to stay connected with others, no matter the distance of people. While also staying to date on the most recent news or whatever the Kardashians are up to, that is a possibility with social media. On the other hand, social media can become a harmful addiction mainly due to our brains. Social media can signal your brain and increase its dopamine levels. “When you experience more dopamine after using social media, your brain identifies this activity as a rewarding one that you ought to repeat. Such a reaction may be more felt whenever you make a post of your own and gain positive feedback.” (Cherny, 2020) Once those dopamine levels go back down, your brain will try to find it again, such as going back to social media, in turn creating an endless cycle and resulting in addiction.

How do you stop addiction?

Luckily for people, there are ways to treat addiction, such as taking medications for the mental disorders that come with addiction (i.e., depression and schizophrenia), through psychotherapy, including behavioral, talk, and group therapies. Other ways are through medical services to help treat severe complications of addiction, like withdrawal during detox and hiring an addiction case manager, to help coordinate and check ongoing treatment. If you or someone you know is going through addiction, you can contact SAMHSA’s National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357). 

What Is Addiction? (2014, July 3). Healthline. Technology Addiction. (2017, March 16). When It’s Safe to Say It’s Technology Addiction. (2020, August 16). Cherney, K. (2020, August 6). Social Media Addiction: What It Is and What to Do About It. Healthline.