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Social media and technology have integrated into the daily lives of many, and it has a major impact on many as people go about their daily lives, checking their phone for texts, posts on their Facebook, a comment on their Instagram, someone replied to a Snapchat. That notification of 1 new message or 1 new like or 1 new comment, gives people a motive or a distraction to check what’s going on or what’s new and this pattern has ingrained into our minds that its almost automatic to check our notifications for something new. Its dangerous that this habit has deeply rooted into society and its effecting people’s mentality, such as “Fear of missing out” also mentioned here in Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health? (6:45, Parnell) a mental trigger or anxiety driven symptom has deeply integrated in social media always needed information or conversation or attention never want to miss a thing never want to miss an internet trend. Its crazy to think about because this is happening to many individuals everyday chasing the trend or doing it as a career like on Tik Tok always making something or seeking to be the next big hit. Even on twitter there’s an unhealthy number of stalkers on there watching their favorite tweeter.

Here in How social media makes us unsocial (9:58, Graham) mentions of people mask themselves from the world and dawn a whole new persona and the openness of the internet of being to be anyone who you want to be to wear a mask to hide your true self, to be able to construct a whole new identity on the internet its concerning and people lose themselves with their new persona and even forget who their original self was.


How social media makes us unsocial | Allison Graham – YouTube. (n.d.). Retrieved October 13, 2021, from

Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health? – Youtube. (n.d.). Retrieved October 13, 2021, from