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While I use many different technological products the most important to me has to be my phone and my air pods. While ten years ago smart phones were still getting smarter and where Bluetooth competition was slim, I have used these products throughout my time and have seen it get developed and better through the years.  

I’ve had a smart phone since the end of 5th grade. I had to convince my parents in order for me to go out and buy my own phone. Looking back, I can see why it took so much convincing for me to get a phone. But now I use my phone all the time whether it is for entertainment, information, or social media. It is by far my most used product it makes me feel more engaged into what is happening around me. I can see what my friends are up too, see how the weather is going to be for the week, and even look up how to tie a tie. I use my phone from the second I wake up and to the second I turn of my lamp to fall asleep.  

Getting my first pair of headphones was much easier than trying to get my phone. My dad was into the stereo business so he would bet a bunch of products to try out and test. My dad have me my first pair of headphones because I had asked him for one. I’ve moved on from that pair and have gone through many different ones but recently I have been using the air pods from apple. I’ve stuck with this pair because of the functionality it has. The compatibility it had with iPhones just makes it so easy to use. It doesn’t have the best sound quality but it had the best overall functions and ease of use.