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In danah boyd’s book It’s Complicated, she discusses that there is this generational misconception about the use of cellphones, where parents think it’s a waste of time for their teens to just be on the small screen. However, many don’t understand that it is another way of social interactions for us. boyd (2014), “Teen ‘addiction’ to social media is a new extension of typical human engagement” (p. 80). This “addiction” was created because of how society implemented the use of social media. A new way to check in with what your friends are doing. A new way to check up on the news and what is going on in the world. A new way to communicate with one another. This new way of social interaction creates a gap between our parents and the misunderstanding as they didn’t grow in this environment. Where every teen wants to be involved with the new way of social life. So, as they see us teens on our phones for most of the day they will be confused and annoyed as when they were our age things weren’t like this for them. But, if one adult is able to understand this new gap all adults are capable of understanding. boyd (2014)