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When thinking about social media apps that help connect others I thought of are apps that allow you to stay connected with other people’s lives, such as zoom, or facetime. These platforms help people watch each post, or even do a call session with them that makes them do face to face interaction, but on the internet. These face to face calls allow people to have interactions with one or another. This is important because people who are still strongly connected with each other, but are separated, either by moving away, or don’t have the means to meet at the moment. In the book Personal Connection in the Digital Age, Baym introduces the topic about how individualsĀ  use online interactions to communicate, she has stated that “In long-distance relationships, video chat platforms can be especially important in relational maintenance. 40 percent of transnational communication happens through Skype” (p. 155) This is an important feature because it allows people to stay involved in each other’s lives even though they are miles apart. I have also found that face to face conservation on social media is helpful is the idea that many people feel more comfortable when talking in a call session then face to face, as people become fearful when talking in front of a class or a full office. In my example of video calling apps, the most people who use these apps are couples, family or friends, that simply like to have face to face conversation with one another. While it’s more common in relationships because they want to talk to each other every night, it is used by anyone who wants to have a face-to-face chat. Other ways people use these apps are apps like zoom, where most recently people used this to have conversation due to the pandemic. With that school, work, and communities, used this app to stay connected with others since they can’t meet in real life.