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Hosted by Quinten Stewart

In this podcast, I want to explore how technology can be an aid when moving to a new place, with an emphasis on how it impacts our sense of belonging in a new environment. Most of us have moved at some point, and according to studies, most of us will move several more times in our lifetimes. So how can the online resources of the internet and technology make this process easier, and help us feel comfortable in our new place? Much of the disorientation that comes from being in a new location comes from culture shock, and being alone in a place without familiarity. Technology can help both these things, with access to various media, tools, and resources for adapting and finding our way in a new location. What I found is a double edged sword, where technology is largely capable in many ways of helping us move to a new place, adapt to our new surroundings and culture, and allow us to remain connected to where we came from. But we can also see how it is capable of preventing us from fully immersing ourselves in our new surroundings, so a balance is key.

You can find my podcast below, hosted in my google drive.