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FOMO, or fear of missing out, a trend or mental release of dopamine to satisfy oneself to have a sense of accomplishment by not missing out on something. This phenomenon as a social media trend and a commercial trick to get people to buy products that are available for a limited time. In this podcast I will be discussing the FOMO phenomenon and why companies and social media trends use FOMO to their advantage. It’s interesting to think about how FOMO is a combination of a trend and a mental issue and or benefit. People use FOMO to satisfy themselves by staying to date with trends or to buy specific products that are limited for a few weeks.

A thing to think about is are people okay living like this. Granted this is a pretty judgmental question and my opinions shouldn’t be a barrier to how you live. But sometimes stop and thinking about the actions of FOMO, why do people always want to stay caught up with trends, or buy limited time products? Are people happy living like this or is it a mental issue that people can’t escape? So in episode one just the basics on what FOMO is and understanding the actions behind them.