Reading Time: 2 minutes

As our world changes for the better, so does the way we communicate that change. With the immense popularity of social media over the past decade, it is obvious that this is a useful method in forming a community together. However, with the ability to freely speak our minds we each discover our own personal ideologies and goals we want to achieve, as Amonge Sinoxto describes in her TED talk from social media to social impact (4:05) “It’s undeniable that our world has never been so environmentally damaged, socially complex, or culturally challenging. So it’s imperative that each individual has their own cause” (Sinoxto, 2019). This means marketing your campaign in a direct way gives the possibility to reach out to numerous individuals around the world with the same purpose and motivation, which allows for not only trusted members but various new ideas and insights. Sinoxto explains four fundamental steps to take that will make the process work efficiently, these points are (1) investing in a cause, (2) to “find them”, (3) third is preparing and populating a remedy, and (4) be consistent (Sinoxto, 2019). Looking deeper into each section can help us analyze the precise methods possible to help advance support to a movement. First, when investing in a cause it is important to have as much knowledge possible about the movement you are supporting, the lack of this could result in not only a failed allocation of members but a failure to actually help the cause as well. Second, “finding them” is about finding a team of dedicated individuals who are able to resourcefully help support the goals you are attempting to reach, subsequently, finding ways through social media to get your message out, like posting on popular media sites, to a group of people passionate about the ideas, and the rest of the world in general. Thirdly is preparing and populating a remedy. To expand, this step means to find a possible solution to your problem before promoting others to join your cause, actively searching for a solution to one problem can retroactively solve others. Lastly, being consistent, this step is incredibly important, as what happens to almost every movement, an experience of up and downs is bound to happen. Remembering the reason you started the movement in the first place allows you to stay grounded with your motivation.

Talk, T. E. D. (2019). From social media to social impact | Amonge Sinxoto | TEDxLytteltonWomen. TEDx Talk. Retrieved October 20, 2021, from